File 12 - Water, Electricity and Housing.

Water in Transkei: BDRT Fact Paper Number 4Workshop: Strategies for Water Supply and Sanitation ProvisionWater Supply and Sanitation for Developing CommunitiesSouth African Institute of Race Relations: Social and Economic Update 16: July 1991 [and related ...Policies for a New Urban Future: Urban Debate 2010: 10 - Informal Housing Part 1: The Current Sit...
Original Digital object not accessible

Identity area

Reference code

ZA CHT AS-10-12


Water, Electricity and Housing.


  • 1989 (Creation)

Level of description


Context area

Name of creator

(1935-01-30 to Present)

Notes area

Alternative identifier(s)

Identifier from University of the Western Cape, Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
