Subfile 2 - Incoming

Letter from Mr F Nel – Department of National Education – State Archive ServicesFax from SEEMACLetter from Logan Reddy to CODESAFax from CBM to T EloffFax from Easi-Bind to CODESAFax from Krish Naidoo to CODESAFax from Computer Consultants Property and Investments to CODESAFax from Peter Soal to T EloffFax from Transcription Services to CODESALetter from Department of National Education to Ms G Cohen - CODESA

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Zona de identificação

Código de referência

ZA CHT COD-2-13-2-2



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Zona do contexto

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Nome do produtor

Entidade detentora

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Identifier used by National Archives and Record Service of South Africa in inventory NA 61 "Archives of the CODESA (Convention for a Democratic South Africa)"
