Affichage de 2336 résultats

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Albie Sachs Collection
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2270 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Aide Memoire on Constitutional Negotiations
Aide Memoire on Constitutional Negotiations
The Constitutional Guidelines of the African National Congress: A Preliminary Assessment
The Constitutional Guidelines of the African National Congress: A Preliminary Assessment
An Analysis of Recent Constitutional Developments with the African National Congress (A.N.C.) and...
An Analysis of Recent Constitutional Developments with the African National Congress (A.N.C.) and Its Stance on Negotiations
What's wrong with the interim Constitution
What's wrong with the interim Constitution
Front File - Southern African Brief: Planning for Post-Apartheid SA
Front File - Southern African Brief: Planning for Post-Apartheid SA
Bill of Duties
Bill of Duties
Guide to constitutional making and legal commission (CCIC)
Guide to constitutional making and legal commission (CCIC)
Constitution and Legal Commission: Reports by Canadian and South African experts, under the spons...
Constitution and Legal Commission: Reports by Canadian and South African experts, under the sponsorship of the SAETF
Conference and other academic papers on human rights (UNESCO)
Conference and other academic papers on human rights (UNESCO)
Procedural Human Rights in the New South Africa
Procedural Human Rights in the New South Africa
Résultats 61 à 70 sur 2336