Showing 76 results

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Working Group 3 Transitional Arrangements given to WG2
Working Group 3 Transitional Arrangements given to WG2
Why IFP objects to the idea of the new Constitution written by a popularly election assembly
Why IFP objects to the idea of the new Constitution written by a popularly election assembly
Views on Constitution Making Body
Views on Constitution Making Body
Verklaring deur Minister RP Meyer oor die reg se benadering tot die grondwetlike proses en tot ‘n...
Verklaring deur Minister RP Meyer oor die reg se benadering tot die grondwetlike proses en tot ‘n nuwe grondwet
The meaningful Participation of Political Minorities
The meaningful Participation of Political Minorities
The Constitutional Protection of Minorities
The Constitutional Protection of Minorities
The balance between Central, Regional and Local Government with copies
The balance between Central, Regional and Local Government with copies
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals – documents 1 and 2
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals – documents 1 and 2
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals
Submission with copy re: Constitution Making Body
Submission with copy re: Constitution Making Body
Results 1 to 10 of 76