Statutes of the Republic of South Africa – Ombudsman Act No. 118 of 1979
US Job Corps – US Job Corps Celebrates 25 years of Community Service
Report on CODESA agreement
Brief notes on meeting 31/5/92 and 1/9/93 sent to ad hoc and technical committee members
HW Vilakazi – University Zululand – Violence and Prospects for Democracy in South Africa
HW Vilakazi – University Zululand – Proposal for stopping Violence Amongst Africans
HW Vilakazi – University Zululand – Proposal for a March / Rally for End of Violence Among Africans
Summary documents of the Transitional Process resolution, extract of the Negotiation Council minutes, and CODESA Working Group Reports given to all Technical Committees
Letter to members of negotiating council: Dr. T Eloff
Transportation General Workers Union Western Cape: Summary of caucus based on first round of negotiations.