Showing 76 results

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Balance between Central, Regional and Local Government
Balance between Central, Regional and Local Government
Verklaring deur Minister RP Meyer oor die reg se benadering tot die grondwetlike proses en tot ‘n...
Verklaring deur Minister RP Meyer oor die reg se benadering tot die grondwetlike proses en tot ‘n nuwe grondwet
Submission on Proposal of WGSC2 on CMB
Submission on Proposal of WGSC2 on CMB
General Constitutional Principles which should be enshrined in a new Constitution for a new South...
General Constitutional Principles which should be enshrined in a new Constitution for a new South Africa
Accommodation of diversity of Languages, Culture and Religion
Accommodation of diversity of Languages, Culture and Religion
Position paper on CMP
Position paper on CMP
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals – documents 1 and 2
Submissions from Non-Codesa Organisations and Individuals – documents 1 and 2
General Constitutional Principles: First Assignment
General Constitutional Principles: First Assignment
Policy Proposals for the Management of the Transition
Policy Proposals for the Management of the Transition
Standpoint on Constitution Making Body
Standpoint on Constitution Making Body
Results 31 to 40 of 76