Albie Sachs: Interviews with Padraig O'Malley: Constitutional Transformation in South Africa
Albie Sachs 11 August 1995: Interview with Phyllis
Interview with Isabel Allende
Interview by Albie Sachs with a former member of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
The Soft Vengeance of the Damaged Freedom Fighter by Albie Sachs
Programme Number: 1/LTF B5565 / 1/LTB B559A: Fifth Column: Monday 29 October 1990: Programme Fifteen and Programme Nineteen: Albie Sachs: Akbar S. Ahmed
Attention Dorothy Williams [and related document]
The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter
Letter from Production Co-ordinator Jane Inman of The Link Programme to Albie Sachs
Letter from Artistic Director Ewan Marshall of Grae Theatre Company to Professor Sachs