Showing 19 results

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Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa Part With digital objects
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Joint statement by international observers to the first meeting of CODESA
Joint statement by international observers to the first meeting of CODESA
The Liaison Group of National Anti-Apartheid Movements in the countries of the European Community
The Liaison Group of National Anti-Apartheid Movements in the countries of the European Community
Embassy of Egypt – with handwritten copy of the message on CODESA letterhead notepaper
Embassy of Egypt – with handwritten copy of the message on CODESA letterhead notepaper
Embassy of Hungary
Embassy of Hungary
The Bishop of Natal
The Bishop of Natal
Chinese Association of South Africa (attached: note to Mac Maharaj from the Danish Embassy)
Chinese Association of South Africa (attached: note to Mac Maharaj from the Danish Embassy)
Black Sash Natal Coastal Division (telegrams) CODESA 1
Black Sash Natal Coastal Division (telegrams) CODESA 1
CODESA 1 transcripts – Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
CODESA 1 transcripts – Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
Joint statement by foreign observers at CODESA 1
Joint statement by foreign observers at CODESA 1
Results 1 to 10 of 19