Final announcement (made by chairperson at end of first day of CODESA 1)
- ZA CHT COD-1-12-5-25
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19 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Final announcement (made by chairperson at end of first day of CODESA 1)
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Black Sash Natal Coastal Division (telegrams) CODESA 1
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Joint statement by foreign observers at CODESA 1
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Agreed terms of reference for Working Groups of CODESA
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Closing remarks by Justice Schabort and Justice Mohamed
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Standing rules of procedures for plenary sessions of CODESA
Parte deArchive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa