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Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa Reeks
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The series CODESA 1 contains Preparatory Meetings in addition to the plenary documents. 

During the Preparatory Meeting (29 to 30 November 1991), three task groups were created to facilitate planning and creating an agenda and aims under the direction of the Steering Committee. 

During the Plenary (20 and 21 December 1991), five working groups were established, each with their own terms of reference and specific tasks related to the agenda of CODESA. Material created by the working groups can be found in the series CODESA 2.


The Post-CODESA 2 phase was short-lived. Despite the establishment of several Sub-committees and Task Groups, and the allocation of tasks, all CODESA meetings were suspended at the end of June 1992. This decision was made after a general request for the suspension of meetings, due to the unstable political situation in the country at that stage.