Affichage de 1982 résultats

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Albie Sachs Collection Texte Avec objets numériques
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Defining South Africa's Regions and Local Governments: An IDRC Research Project
Defining South Africa's Regions and Local Governments: An IDRC Research Project
Key Issues to be Addressed: The Balance Between Central, Regional and Local Government
Key Issues to be Addressed: The Balance Between Central, Regional and Local Government
Ten Proposed Regions in a United South Africa
Ten Proposed Regions in a United South Africa
Regions Documents [and related documents]
Regions Documents [and related documents]
Ten Proposed Regions for a United South Africa
Ten Proposed Regions for a United South Africa
ANC's Proposals on Regions [and related documents]
ANC's Proposals on Regions [and related documents]
Reparation - political and psychological considerations
Reparation - political and psychological considerations
Comment by Albie Sachs on a First Perusal of the Bill Setting up the Truth and Reconciliation Com...
Comment by Albie Sachs on a First Perusal of the Bill Setting up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Letter from Albie Sachs to Dr. Alex L. Boraine
Letter from Albie Sachs to Dr. Alex L. Boraine
Victims, Survivors and Citizens - Human Rights, Reparations and Reconciliation
Victims, Survivors and Citizens - Human Rights, Reparations and Reconciliation
Résultats 1971 à 1980 sur 1982