- ZA CHT COD-2-3-5-368
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Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
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Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
The series Planning Committee contains the working documents of the Planning Committee and the Sub-committee of the Facilitating Committee (as it was briefly known). In addition to its own minutes and delegation packs; reports and proposals from other bodies of the Multi-Party Negotiating Process (MPNP) and the Planning Committee Sub-committee can be found here.
The Planning Committee was made up of ten members of the Negotiating Council and worked under the directives and supervision of it. The Planning Committee formed the Planning Committee Sub-committee to assist in logistic and co-ordinating processes of the MPNP. The Planning Committee submitted recommendations on procedural and substantive issues for negotiation to the Negotiating Council but was not itself mandated to take any final decisions.
The Planning Committee formulated the terms of reference for the negotiating bodies such as the Negotiating Council, Negotiating Forum and commissions. It also proposed duties for the technical committees, received reports from technical committees, and had the mandate to request further investigation into areas that it deemed required it.
Planning committee recommendation on boundaries
Planning committee recommendation re: regions
Planning committee recommendations to the negotiating council
Planning committee recommend-dations to the negotiating council
The series Planning Conference contains the materials produced for the meeting of the Multi-party Planning Conference on 5 and 6 March 1993. While draft resolutions of the Planning Conference can be found here, the final resolutions are in the series Negotiating Council.
This short lived conference focused on planning for a meeting of the Multi-Party Negotiating Forum to be held at the World Trade Centre 1 and 2 April 1993. The conference resolved general terms for consensus, negotiating procedure and that “CODESA” was no longer to be the name of the negotiation process. Twenty six parties and organisations were represented. After the Planning Conference its members dissolved into the then yet to be named Multi-Party Negotiating Process.
Further planning for the Negotiating Forum meeting continued during March under the direction of the Facilitating Committee and the Sub-committee of the Facilitating Committee. These committees were renamed the Negotiating Council and the Planning Committee.
Planning for national sector public hearings
Part of Shalala and Skjelten Collection - Public Participation
Planning for People's War (Discussion Paper)
Part of Albie Sachs Collection