- ZA CHT AS-6-7-1
- Item
- 1992-03-02
Part of Albie Sachs Collection
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Part of Albie Sachs Collection
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
President's speeches on the adoption of the New Constitution Day
Presentations by Judges Farlam and Selikowitz
Presentation to the MPNP: National Childrens Rights Committee
Presentation of Certificates: 23 October 1992 [and related documents]
Part of Albie Sachs Collection
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
19 organisations attended the Preparatory Meeting to organise the means for successful negotiations. During the Preparatory Meeting (29 to 30 November 1991), CODESA was named and its aims considered. It was established that decisions of CODESA would be taken by consensus and that where consensus did not exist, the principles of 'sufficient consensus' were invoked.
The Preparatory Meeting established the Steering Committee which was composed of one person from each of the participating organisations. The Steering Committee was tasked with convening the first plenary of CODESA, and to attend to outstanding items which featured on the agenda of the Preparatory Meeting.
Preliminary summary of proceedings of WGSC1
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Preliminary submission to the III Theme Committee