Administration and Secretarial Services
- ZA CHT COD-1-10
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Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Administration and Secretarial Services
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Administration and Secretarial Services
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Except for the working groups (handled by the Secretariat), the Daily Management Committee was established to manage the convention as a whole. This committee was responsible for the settling of procedural disputes within the working groups and advising the Management Committee on the addition of further committees.
The Daily Management Committee would also select a chairperson for the Management Committee from amongst its members.
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
The Gender Advisory Committee (GAC) to CODESA 2, met for the first time on 6 April 1992. The committee was charged with the special task of advising on the gender implications of: the terms of reference, minutes and decisions of each of the working groups, and those of the Management Committee. GAC handed in their report for the second plenary session and continued to meet Post-CODESA 2.
Part of Archive of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa
The Management Committee, previously the Steering Committee, was to implement the decisions of CODESA, create necessary sub-structures, and supervise the administration of CODESA and its working groups. During its first meeting, held on 13 January 1992, the Management Committee established the Daily Management Committee to which the Secretariat reported. The Secretariat continued to be responsible for CODESA's overall administration, under the direction of the Daily Management Committee.
Based on reports from the Daily Management Committee, the Management Committee created the sub-committees: Zulu King and other Traditional Leaders, and the Gender Advisory Committee prior to CODESA 2.