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The series Applications contains correspondence from parties and organisations agreeing to participate, and requesting representation in the Multi-Party Negotiating Forum and  Multi-Party Negotiating Process. Additionally, a body of correspondence containing complaints, submissions, and requests for further information on the process from the parties, organisations and the general public can be found here.  

Audio Recordings of Negotiating Council Meetings

This series contains the audio recordings of the Negotiating Council. Documents of the Negotiating Council can be found in the series Negotiating Council.

The Negotiating Council, originally the Facilitating Committee, was the representative negotiating body of the Multi-Party Negotiation Process (MPNP) and established the Transitional Executive Council (TEC) to serve as its successor. It was ultimately responsible for the negotiating, drafting, finalising and implementation of the Interim Constitution as endorsed by the MPNP Plenary. 

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