Albie Sachs 11 August 1995: Interview with Phyllis
Albie Sachs: Interview with PADRAIG O'Malley.
Albie Sachs: Interview with PADRAIG O'Malley.
Albie Sachs: Interviews with Padraig O'Malley: Constitutional Transformation in South Africa
Albie's Flat
Attention Dorothy Williams [and related document]
BBC Interview with Albie Sachs: Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter and Jail Diary.
Correspondence on "Soft Vengence" between Albie Sachs and Hilary Salmon
Developing a Model Human Rights Program [sic]: Parameters, Issues and Processes
Facsimile - Re: "The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter' - Interview [and related documents]
Fax Cover Sheet - Subject: People in Politics Interview [and related documents]